Why Solar

Millions of Americans are making the switch to solar. A solar power system does more than just generate clean energy– It can support household savings, increased protection from power outages, energy independence, economic opportunities, grid resilience and security, and a safer planet.


the benefits of

solar energy



Solar energy is endlessly renewable and reduces carbon emissions


Lower your electric bill immediately



Solar panels have low maintenance costs and an average lifespan of 25 years


Solar energy can generate electricity in any climate



You can earn money through Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)


The Federal Investment Tax Credit allows you to get a 30% tax credit that is based on the total solar project



By owning your power at a lower rate, your home is more attractive to potential buyers.


Home solar systems are exempt from sales tax in most states


Frequently asked questions


How long does a solar panel system last?

Solar panel systems are designed to be durable and typically come with warranties of 20 to 25 years. With proper maintenance, solar panels can last 25 to 30 years or more while maintaining optimal performance.

Will my solar system still work if there is a power outage?

If there is a power outage in your area, your solar system will shut down. This is a safety measure to protect utility workers who may be working in the area. Your system will automatically turn back on when power is restored. However, if you have a battery installed to store excess power created by the solar array, your property can continue to operate on battery power.

Do solar panels work on rainy or cloudy days?

Contrary to what you may have heard or believe, YES, your solar panels will generate electricity on cloudy and rainy days. While solar panels create power by collecting direct sunlight, they can also convert ambient sunlight into energy. That means your panels continue to function even on cloudy or rainy days because the sun is still out.

Is my home suitable for solar panel installation?

Most homes are suitable for solar panel installation as long as they have sufficient roof space or adequate ground areas with proper sun exposure. Factors such as shading, roof orientation, and structural integrity may be evaluated during a site assessment.

What permits or approvals are required to install solar panels?

Permitting requirements vary by jurisdiction. In general, solar installations require building permits and electrical permits.

What is the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels?

Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single crystal structure, which gives them a uniform dark appearance. They tend to be more efficient and perform better in limited space. Polycrystalline panels are made from multiple silicon fragments, resulting in a textured blue appearance. They are slightly less efficient but often offer a more cost-effective option.


Net-metering rules allow most people with approved renewable electricity systems, such as rooftop solar panels, to remain connected to the energy grid. This means you can still buy power from your utility provider, but it also means you can sell excess power back to the utility company. A bidirectional smart meter can track how much energy you create and use, and how much excess energy you deliver back to the grid. Most providers offer a one-to-one kilowatt-hour credit on your bill.

What is the impact of temperature on solar panel performance?

High temperatures can affect solar panel performance, causing a slight reduction in efficiency. Solar panels operate more efficiently in cooler temperatures. However, modern panels are designed to withstand and perform well under various temperature conditions.

What is the role of an inverter in a solar panel system?

An inverter is a crucial component of a solar panel system. It converts the direct current (DC) electricity produced by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity used in homes and businesses. Inverters also help optimize the power output by tracking the maximum power point of the solar array.

What is the degradation rate of solar panels over time?

Solar panels experience a gradual degradation in performance over their lifespan. The degradation rate varies depending on factors like panel quality, environmental conditions, and manufacturer warranties. On average, most solar panels degrade at a rate of around 0.5% to 1% per year, ensuring reliable energy production for decades.

What is a kilowatt hour?

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a unit of energy commonly used to measure electricity consumption or production. It represents the amount of energy expended or generated by consuming or producing one kilowatt (1 kW) of power over the course of one hour. In the context of solar power, a kilowatt-hour is used to quantify the amount of electricity generated by a solar panel system. For example, if a solar system produces 5 kWh of energy in a day, it means that it has generated 5 kilowatt-hours of electricity during that specific period. kWh is an essential unit for understanding energy usage, estimating system performance, and calculating energy costs.

How can I find my kilowatt hour usage from my electrical provider?

1. Locate your electricity bill: The bill usually includes detailed information about your energy consumption.
2. Identify the usage section: Look for a section on the bill that specifically mentions your energy usage or meter reading. It might be labeled as “Usage,” “Electricity Consumption,” or something similar.
3. Find the kWh reading: Within the usage section, locate the kWh reading or the total number of kilowatt-hours consumed during the billing period. It is usually listed alongside the dates covered by the bill.
4. Note the kWh value: Make a note of the kWh value mentioned on your bill. This represents the amount of electricity you consumed during the billing period.
If you’re unable to find the kWh usage on your bill or have any questions, it’s recommended to contact your electrical provider directly. They will be able to provide you with the necessary information and answer any questions you may have regarding your energy consumption.

How does going solar help the planet?

Solar energy is a renewable resource that reduces air and water pollution and produces zero emissions. It also reduces strain on the power grid and helps us all take one step closer to independence from fossil fuels. You’re helping to make the world more sustainable for generations to come

Please note that while these answers provide a general understanding, specific technical details and factors may vary based on the manufacturer, model, and location.

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Besides saving money on your utility bill, what else motivates you to go solar?
(please choose one)


Be more Green


Use more Power
Guilt Free
(i.e. AC/Devices)


Fear of Outages
(i.e. Grid Down)


Cash in on 'Going
Solar' Incentives

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I’m retired or dreaming of retirement


I just bought my first home


I’m ready to start my career/family


My kids are in college

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Go Solar for $0 Out of Pocket

With prices for gas and electricity on the rise, there's never been a better time to install solar. See how much you can save!

Revive Energy's mission is to help homeowners harness the sun’s energy for clean, renewable power. With the price of fossil fuels rising and the cost of solar equipment declining, there’s never been a better time to make the switch.


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